Built For Business Accelerator™ Terms of Purchase

HEY THERE. I am so excited that you are thinking of investing in the Built for Business Accelerator™. 

Before making payment for the programme please read through the below, so you know what you can expect and the support you will receive. If you have any questions once you’ve finished reach out to me on Instagram, or email me at abbie@thisisabigailjane.com

Abbie x

The terms and conditions set out below apply to your purchase of the group coaching program, “Built for Business Accelerator™” offered by Abigail Jane Ltd. Please read them carefully as they affect your rights and liabilities under law and set out the terms under which Abigail Radford (“I”) provides services to you, as purchaser of the Built for Business Accelerator™ Group Program. These terms are subject to any rights you have under consumer law to which I am bound to and which cannot be waived.

Course Outline

The Built for Business Accelerator™ is a group coaching program which uses brand and business strategies and frameworks in order to help you gain clarity in your business; through nailing your niche, messaging, offers and positioning.

Course Specifics

Following successful purchase of the program you will receive access to The Built for Business content. You will be provided with 12 modules of training videos and workbooks to fill in. This is a passive course without support unless you upgrade for the VIP option.

You will have the opportunity to work through the course material in your own time. The course provides strategies to help you build your business tailored to you.

Whilst all those who have taken the course to date have achieved the desired results, it is not possible to provide any guarantees that you will experience any specific results. Failure to complete the course materials will limit your ability to benefit from the information provided and will significantly limit any results. The course is not bespoke and includes general advice should you feel that you need additional support, such as business support, that can be provided separately.

It is not intended that you will finish the course with a complete and detailed business plan. The Built for Business Accelerator™ provides strategies and methods to help you gain clarity on your niche, messaging, positioning and offerings. It is your individual responsibility to apply what is shared and taught in the course to your personal circumstances both during the course and afterwards. Each individual is unique and their starting position and commitment to the course is unique to them. The aim is that following completion of the course you will have clarity, strategies and techniques and have a clear and coherent plan for your business moving forward with confidence.

Please be aware that the course is delivered entirely in English and no translations are provided for videos or text.

Payment Terms

The cost of the programme is £999.00 This can be paid via a one-off payment or via a payment plan. (Please see below for details about refunds). 

Privacy and Confidentiality

Your privacy and protection of your personal data is important to me. I will keep your personal data confidential and will never share it with unconnected third parties. Your payment information will be processed by a secure third-party processor. I will be provided with your email address and name but never be provided with your financial information. 

Please be aware that the hot-seat group sessions may be recorded and your name and image/video may be captured. The recordings of the training will be kept and made available to others on the course. If you provide or share any information within these sessions about yourself or your business that information will be shared within the group. Should you not wish to be recorded please ensure that if you attend any training your camera is switched off and your name field is changed to “Attendee” with your initial so that support can still be offered but no personal identifiable information will be captured. 

For more detail on how we manage your data you can view my privacy policy here

Refunds and Cancellation

As you are purchasing digital content which includes data which is produced and supplied in digital form you are only entitled to a refund in limited circumstances. In purchasing the course you are waiving your rights to a refund unless the statutory circumstances for refunds are met. 

Should you have any concerns or questions please contact me on abbie@thisiabigailjane.com

Intellectual Property

You will be provided with course materials. At all times, even following purchase, the intellectual property rights and copyright connected with those materials remain with me, Abbie Radford, from Abigail Jane Ltd. You have the right to use the materials as learning tools but you are not permitted to duplicate, imitate or provide copies to third parties whether for free or as part of a sale. 

This program is to provide you with the tools to build clarity within your own business. If anything has been copied in any capacity, you'll receive a warning, & if that's not heard you will be removed from the group & access taken away from Built for Business Accelerator™ immediately with no refund.

Feedback and Complaints

If you have any feedback about the course please do share it with me. I really hope that you love this course as much as I do but if you would like to make a complaint this should be made to made in writing to abbie@thisisabigailjane.com


I intend to rely on the written terms set out in these terms and conditions in respect of the course delivered to you. These written terms shall constitute the entire agreement between us.

If any provision or part-provision of these terms and conditions is or becomes invalid, illegal or unenforceable, it shall be deemed modified to the minimum extent necessary to make it valid, legal and enforceable. If such modification is not possible, the relevant provision or part-provision shall be deemed deleted. Any such modification or deletion shall not affect the validity and enforceability of the rest of these terms and conditions.

These Terms are governed by the laws of England & Wales. The Courts of England & Wales have exclusive jurisdiction over any matter and proceedings arising out of your purchase of the course.